The Reconnect Academy

A systemized approach to rebuild the relationship with your alienated child. Through this 6-week online training program, you'll receive step-by-step guidance, advice, and strategies to completely transform how you think about and communicate with your child. Get started on the path to rebuild your relationship using Ryan Thomas' real-life experiences and behind-the-scenes knowledge. Endorsed by struggling parents, 5 Star Ratings from Family Attorneys.

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How the Reconnect Academy Helps...

Understand the Child's Mindset

An alienated child feels traumatic stress and conflict. Their sense of loyalty impacts their emotions, their feelings of guilt affects their decisions, and their confusion will make them shut down or reject anyone to make the pain and torment go away. We must understand how the child truly thinks and what they hide (even from themselves) before progress can be made. This program does a deep dive into the child's mind (through adulthood) to create the best approach possible for success.

Positively Communicate and Engage

High-conflict can turn communication toxic in an instant. New strategies are necessary to engage with your child in a completely different way in order to dramatically change how they think of you, how they feel about you, and ultimately how they act towards you. The VOA Method (Validate, Be the Opposite & Ask) is the best new approach for progress. This, along with dozens of strategies and tools are available for parents right now.

Repair, Rebuild & Strengthen Relationships

It's never to early and it's never too late to use a strategic approach and real-life tools to create a solid, loving relationship with both parents. Progress takes time of building trust, consistency, new ways to communicate and an ability to openly love both parents. This step-by-step process allows parents to get a fresh start with their child no matter how damaged the relationship is or harsh the rejection has been. Reconnecting is possible!

The Reconnect Academy, Helping Families in 25 Countries...


What is the Reconnect Academy?

The Reconnect Academy is a 6-Week Online Training Program with BRAND NEW strategies, tools and insights to completely transform your approach to reaching your child. Learn exactly what you need say and do to repair, rebuild and strengthen the relationship with your child. This intensive training provides in-depth video training, ready to use action plans, how to's, scripts, templates, and audio downloads so you have everything you need. The Reconnect Academy also includes direct access to Ryan Thomas for 12 months to answer all of your questions and receive detailed guidance for your specific situation.

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Why is this Program Unique?

The best way to learn how to avoid and overcome parental alienation is to learn from someone who survived it! After his parents divorced, Ryan Thomas lost decades with his Dad until they reunited in his late 20's. Today, Ryan is on a mission to save children and families from having to endure needless trauma, rejection, separation, and life-changing battles that erode relationships and self-worth. He's using his experiences to give a behind-the-scenes look at what children really need and want, how they communicate, and give real-life strategies to help create breakthroughs.

Learn More About Ryan


What Parents & Professionals Are Saying:

Biggest Breakthrough in Years!

“Ryan, I took your suggestion and my son agreed to sit at the dinner table every other visit. (Which he did) THEN, he started having dinner and talking with me on the other days as well. This is the biggest breakthrough I’ve had in years…We kind of felt like a normal family for a little bit.” – Jennifer 


Your Advice Worked For Me!

“I am spending Christmas with both my children…It finally feels like home again and I feel like a Mom again!! Your advice worked for me Ryan!!! Thank You so much.” - Sherry


My Son Responded!

“I did just what you said and contacted my son...and a miracle happened. After 3 years of dead silence, he responded! Thank You" – Diane

Holiday’s Together after 14 Years!

“This will be a Christmas to remember for our family! Spending the holidays with my daughter after 14yrs! Through your experiences Ryan, it has helped me push along the way and not to give up! Thank You.” - Rhonda


So Many Miracles

Ryan! I have seen so many miracles after implementing your plan/suggestions. I am so grateful for you!”  - Amy


Videos Will Go Down in History

“I believe these videos will go down in history as the key for people to understand alienation. The American Psychological Association just has no clue yet. After years of being on the receiving end of this from the alienating parent and the regime and after being not quite able to put my finger on this, it really brings a lot of personal resolution and explains lots of things that I had not realized were all related. Thank you so much.”– Howie


Changing My Family Tree!

“I’ve read many books on PA and I think your program is the best source of information and tools I have found. I will always be grateful to you. You are changing my family tree for the better!!”– Josh S. 

Now I Understand

“I can relate to this and now understand the mistakes I made in dealing with my situation. I’ve said this before but I know that my actions played right into my ex wife’s hands.”– Brian

All I Can Say is Wow

“Thank you Ryan! all I can say is wow!! This is helping me understand so much! I have tried many times to get back into my son’s life since he was 5 and now I understand how he was feeling and what was going on in his mind!”– Bobi

Hour Long Conversation

“Ryan, I used some of your questions via text message and what resulted was an hour long conversation with my son! So I want to thank you!”– Josh

Reunited with 2 Children

"Thanks to your amazing guidance and advice I’m not reunited with 2 of my 3 children. I can’t tell you how much you and your program has changed my life. I am forever grateful." - Ron

Get Your FREE VOA Method Guide

How Alienated Parents Can Stop the Endless Cycle of Rejection By Using These 3 Action Steps to Create Progress. (Validate, Be the Opposite & Ask Questions.) A great tool to help your child see past their anger, and change how they think of you. 


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